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Men Only Mobile Health Hub

Men Only are a men's mental health support group located on the Isle of Wight. Over the last year, we have organised fortnightly walk and talk meet-ups, social evenings, and a well-received Dad's group. We have also had tremendous support from our community and local government.


For the last few months, we have searched, in vain, for a permanent home, and, after many fruitless (and costly) failings, we have decided to try something new! We have secured a former mobile office, and we will turn it into a mobile men's mental health hub. We will be able to travel across the Island, allowing us greater freedom to be where we are needed to suit men, Islandwide.


It is an inspiring and exciting project, and from the responses we have received (, it is desperately needed. With this vehicle, we have the freedom to reach right across the Island, and we can also support the Island's festivals, events and services.


Men Only provide groups and one-to-one opportunities for men to feel supported without being judged and heard without being lectured. Our men make friends and help others in the group to feel connected. We are growing steadily and consistently, showing us just how essential Men Only is on our Island, and now, we need to reach out to more men and their families. 






We have all been through so much over the last couple of years. Male suicide rates are high. Over 76% of reported suicides are by men, three times more than women, three-quarters of people reported missing are men, and at least 1 in 8 men has a common mental health problem.


There is still a significant gap in the mental services offering men support through listening and talking, and Men Only can help to fill that gap, and the Men Only mobile mental health hub can support a positive and life-changing effect on men and their families, maybe even be life-saving.


The mobile hub can offer a safe, non-judgmental space, encouraging men to talk, and by travelling to those that need us, we can make it easier for men to ask for help or chat.

We have already secured some funding to help start the project; However, we need to do quite a bit of work on the vehicle before using it, so we still need to raise some more. We have received offers of help from local businesses and volunteers willing to come along and help. 


We have started a crowdfunding account here;






I appreciate your support and here are some before pictures!


Karl Hart

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